Samuel Peitz — Independent
Sam is a designer based in Munich working at the intersection of brand, product & philosophy.
I remember when I was a child, I used to draw a lot with my 2 brothers. My mother told me that I was a very creative person quite often. I created a lot of cartoons stories including scenes and dialogues. I've always been a person who pays attention to the details everywhere. My cousin always told the family that whenever I got a brand new pair of jeans and I looked very happy with it, she said, "This is a typical pair of jeans, it doesn't have anything special." And I showed her that the sewing patterns were different than other jeans, and nobody had noticed that before. For me, it was a really cool detail and the reason I bought them.
I decided to study Graphic Design after school, and at the same time, I had my own design studio with a friend where we created a lot of websites while learning HTML and CSS from scratch (cries in Adobe Flash memories). It was a really good experience ,and I discovered my preference and interest with digital things there. After a couple of years as a professional designer, I realized that I really enjoy creating digital products that many people can use and solve different kinds of problems.
I take the famous double-decker bus every day, and I listen to a podcast or music during my commute. When I get into the office, I always start with a coffee and some snacks, and after that, I usually check Slack and emails, and soon afterwards, I participate during the standup with my team. When I'm back at my desktop, I prioritize my to-do list and check if anyone needs my help. Usually, I do the most boring tasks in the morning and focus on something that demands more creativity after lunch.
I think I have typical weeks rather than days, so depending on the day of the week, I have a meeting that could be a Design critique, Design system weekly, Refinement, Retro, Planning, Interviews, User testing sessions or a full Design sprint week :)
I get inspired on websites like Dribbble, Behance, Medium, and Twitter design. I also get inspired by using a lot of apps. I always download several apps just to check how others are doing, and if they have good or bad UX. Traveling around the world and meeting people from different cultures inspires me a lot, too.
After a long time, I'm back to using Duolingo. I was surprised by the new design, and I think they are creating a really enjoyable product. It's easy to use for everyone, and very helpful for millions of users. I want to make a special mention to Notion, which helps me to organise my life in a better way.
Probably the typical answer from a designer, being that we are never proud of a certain piece of work that we created after a short period of time, and I'm not the exception. I think we are always learning and growing as designers.
I feel quite proud of the work we are doing in Monese, but can't say this is only about me, because we have a strong and talented team. I'm pretty proud of an app that I created with my previous company, Sysgarage, since it has been functioning really well in the real world and I designed the whole app.
I have some case studies of things that I worked in Monese in this link.
We are working very hard to improve the user experience at Tymit, we have tons of feedback from our users and we are listening to all of them in order to solve their problems and give them a better experience. Building a live billing cycle of a credit card is really complex and there are multiple ways to do it. We are facing this challenge as a company, and we involve the whole team during the process.
My advice for the designers could be a list of things that I learned during my 10 years as a professional designer:
Latinxs who design (Latinos design community by Pablo Stanley)
Sysgarage (If you need a team to build your startup, they are the best)