Making your dream team a reality.


In today’s fiercely competitive market, many companies face a pressing challenge: the talent gap. Finding skilled professionals with the right expertise who are also culturally aligned is tough, and it becomes even harder when your top performers eventually move on.

At SPACES, we aim to redefine recruitment with a people-oriented approach by connecting the dots in a mutually beneficial way. We focus on building genuine relationships and deeply understanding your company’s unique needs. The difference between a good company and a great one often lies in its people. That’s where we come in, helping you attract and hire the best talent so you can think bigger and build faster.

Our journey began with the launch of Lovers Magazine, formerly Interface Lovers, which highlighted talented designers through their personal stories. As we engaged with our audience, we discovered that we had unintentionally created a space for companies to connect with talent. This insight inspired us to develop an ecosystem of recruitment solutions that work in harmony to enhance a company’s hiring success.

Why we exist

Our mission is to bridge the talent gap by creating an ecosystem of recruitment solutions


To connect companies with exceptional talent who turn ideas into reality


To align candidates with culturally aligned companies for long-term success


To streamline the hiring process and save valuable time and resources


To deliver high-quality recruitment solutions that optimize hiring costs

Meet the team

SPACES is comprised of designers, developers, storytellers, and matchmakers who are passionate about redefining recruitment.

Image Anya Voronova, Image Ari Sawyers, Image Bojan Krsmanovic, Image Bruno Meilick, Image Denislav Jeliazkov, Image Federico Valla, Image Jeffrey Manful, Image Kemdirim Akujuobi, Image Megan Gill, Image Sarah Fonder, Image Suleiman Zakari Mohammed, Image Timothy Achumba, Image Tobi Oyadiran, Image Tobias Moeritz, Image William Channer


Partner with us

If you're looking to hire world-class creatives, designers, engineers or studios, let us support you in your recruitment journey. We'll connect you with professionals who are a perfect fit for your company.

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