Danilo Campos — Twoo and VTEX
Danilo Campos is a brazilian designer and developer based in Barcelona. He is co-founder of Twoo and designer at VTEX.
I always liked arts and crafts. I was even always looking for references on how to create through watercolor, drawing and how to write poems. And although at first I had a wrong perception of what design was, little by little I understood that I was really very wrong. And I was very happy to be – since I came to design simply because one of my friends at the time was interested in studying graphic design.
I was never an exemplary student. In fact, my mom helped me a lot with my homework at the university. It wasn't until halfway through my degree that I became very interested in learning about typography, after seeing the work of people like David Carson or Paula Scher.
A typical day for me starts at 6:30 am, where I work out with my trainer, then grab a bite to eat and get ready to start the day. Most of the time, I do a ritual of order at my desk to get off to a good start. From that moment I check my inbox, answer one or another email and draw for a while for some personal project or freelance project that I have pending.
Then I have a couple of meetings and lunch, after lunch is when everything really starts: I design, I listen to music, I answer emails, -I answer this interview- I think about possible future projects and write them down, among many other things. At the end of the day (at 7 pm) I get up from the computer and watch TV and play with my cat.
I find inspiration in lots of things. From the colors found on the street, to the labels of the products I see in the supermarket. Really being able to leave home always helps me a lot to find spaces to think and to generate new ideas.
One sees so many things daily that I feel that little by little you are losing the capacity for wonder. But if I could share something that I found very interesting, it was the process of an illustrator named Amber Vittoria, I think it is more related to art but I like it a lot https://www.ambervittoria.com/
I feel very proud to have been part of the creation of the Adobe Latin America design system. Something that I never thought of doing as a designer and that I have enjoyed together with a team that I appreciate very much. On the other hand, my most recent collection of NFTs called Metatropic has been a project that fills me with joy.
Having had the opportunity to create local brands such as A Tres Manos Estudio, which was a big challenge since it was designing for a designer studio. It was very exciting to see how little by little the brand was developing with the help of the three members of the team.
Practice, don't just look, watch. And surround yourself with people you admire, that's going to help you adopt interesting ways of designing in your own process.
I recently released a pack of textured brushes for those who use Procreate, I'll leave the link here so you can take a look :') they are very fun. You can find them on my page https://www.nubikinistudio.com/