
LucasRamos (Art Director & Graphic Designer  at BUCK)

Lucas is a Brazilian Art Director and Designer specialized in Brand Identity. Currently working freelance with BUCK.

He/Him/His • São Paulo, Brazil • July 2, 2024

What led you into design?

I believe a series of events led me to design. But as long as I can remember, I've always been drawn to the way things look and how they can impact people's emotions.

I vividly remember the first time I realized I had created something. It was when I was very young and had to paint a crocodile for a school assignment. I excitedly showed the drawing to my mom and she was so impressed. Looking back, I realize she was probably just being supportive, but it made me realize the power of creating something that can evoke emotions in others.

And that's when I discovered my passion for creating things. I fell in love with the idea of expressing myself through my art and have been doing it every day since. Over time, I've become better at expressing my ideas and emotions through my work. And after years I eventually became a designer and then an art director. Thank you, Reptiles.

Currently, I am working freelance with BUCK and have the opportunity to collaborate with exceptional artists from around the world on incredible projects that are shaping our culture.

What does a typical day look like?

I usually wake up at 7AM, take a quick shower, and then drink my black coffee with no sugar. Being a morning person, I dive right into my work as soon as I finish my coffee. I find that I'm most productive during this time, and with the time-zone advantage, I can work without any interruptions from meetings or messages until lunchtime.

After lunch, people start to come online, so I split my time between meetings and work until the end of the day. Once I finish work, I like to catch up with my family and take some time to relax. Each day is a bit different, but during my free time, I enjoy watching a movie, something funny on the internet, or going out to dinner with my wife.

As my weekdays are usually super intense with work, I always make an effort to do something different on the weekends. I think it's crucial to spend quality time with family and friends and have some fun. Each weekend is unique, but I enjoy going out with friends to grab a few drinks, trying new restaurants, and even attending concerts.

What's your workstation setup?

As I work from home, good lighting, a microphone, and a camera are a must-have. However, for me, the essential gear includes headphones to help me focus and a great mouse. Even though I have an old drawing tablet, I still prefer using a mouse for my work, when I'm not illustrating.

Photographed by Dennis Siqueira.

Where do you go to get inspired?

On a design level, I really enjoy staying informed about the latest news and keeping up with what other companies and designers are doing. This helps me ensure that the things I create are aligned with the current standards and how people will perceive them.

I believe that the best designs are created when there are no pressures, expectations, or judgments. What most inspires me is the way creatives can express themselves in a comfortable environment without any predefined goals. This freedom to create something just for the sake of creating it can result in incredible things.

I don't think there's a specific place to look for inspiration. Instead, I try to observe and find inspiration in everything around me, from a LinkedIn post to a museum exhibit or even graffiti on the streets. For me, it's about staying open and constantly seeking out for inspiration in life.

What product have you recently seen that made you think this is great design?

I was impressed by the exceptional design of Opal Camera products. I particularly appreciate the minimalist aesthetic and outstanding resolution. From their website to the product itself, everything is well-designed. I am considering upgrading one of their webcams for my setup.

Images from

What pieces of work are you most proud of?

It's hard to choose one project. Working on a diverse range of design and advertising projects has helped me grow as a creative. Collaborating with talented creatives who put so much passion and energy into these projects has been a privilege and a great learning experience. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with clients who truly value the impact that design can have on their businesses.

I am proud to have had the opportunity to work with BUCK on the relaunch of IMDb TV as Amazon Freevee. Together, we collaborated on shaping the brand's personality both online and offline. Our team is particularly proud of the expressive type system and motion language we developed to embody the free spirit of the streaming service, creating a distinctive voice in free streaming entertainment.

Full case study at

I am also proud of the work I did for Pencil Studio, a multimedia full-service creative studio based in Paris, founded by the amazing artist Danaé Gosset. For this project, I was tasked with creating a brand identity that celebrated her unique style but also worked as a system that the studio could adapt in different ways. We aimed for a minimalist approach but with a beautiful twist. I am proud of how everything turned out - the final result feels simple, yet unique and impactful.

Full case study here.

What design challenges do you face at your company?

As a freelance art director, I have the unique opportunity to collaborate with amazing agencies and clients who are shaping the future of how people communicate and interact with each other, alongside some of the best talent in our industry.

The creative bar is set very high, and we always strive to deliver the best possible execution to ensure the project is as efficient as possible. I believe that the main challenge across the entire creative industry, is to innovate and discover more authentic paths and creative solutions that makes most sense for the project and our current world, while also standing out in a unique way.

Personally, I believe that my main challenge is to gain more experience as an art director within a global company, while also improving my communication and leadership skills. By doing so, I hope to gain more autonomy in directing teams and projects in the future.

Disclaimer: The opinions presented here are all based on my experience and don’t necessarily reflect how thinks.

What music do you listen to while designing?

Any advice for ambitious designers?

• Share your work with passion and enthusiasm.

• Don't try to do everything. Prioritize the most important tasks for you and communicate to others when you feel overwhelmed.

• Learn when you don't need to be creative.

Anything you want to promote or plug?

If you're interested in seeing more of my work, you can find me at:
My portfolio:
Instagram: @luvaswork
Twitter: @luvasramos